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Strategically innovative,
sustainable and highly effective
in protecting ANY product!

Strategically innovative,
sustainable and highly effective in protecting ANY product!


Mazurky serves any segment that uses caixas de transporte, Displays, PDV´s e materiais de comunicação visual em papelão ondulado ou PP Corrugado with or without customization
Caixas de embarque, caixa unboxing, transporte e mudança​

Shipping boxes, unboxing, transport and moving boxes

Mazurky shipping boxes are manufactured with sustainable raw materials.

The technology implemented in our innovative corrugated cardboard solutions guarantees product protection and optimization of logistics processes!

Displays, POS
and Special Projects

High resolution printing, multiple customizations in a single image, elaborate and complex cuts in different sizes, shapes and possibilities.

Your imagination is the limit of our production!

Mazurky - Displays, PDV's e Projetos Especiais
Eventos e Publicidade

Events and Advertising

Think out of the box!

Visual communication plays a fundamental role in campaigns, marketing or advertising initiatives and events. It is a powerful tool for effectively conveying messages, establishing identity, creating emotional impact and captivating the target audience’s attention. And that, we understand.

Produtos em PP Corrugado e Serviços de Impressão

A tecnologia avançada presente em nossas soluções inovadoras pode ser aplicada utilizando o material PP corrugado. Este material garante a proteção dos produtos e otimiza os processos logísticos, proporcionando eficiência e segurança.
Produtos PP Corrugado


Freedom of shipping
without weighing on your pocket!

The CKD Box outperforms any other packaging option for export and logistics. This is not just efficiency, It’s direct savings for your business.
Less weight, disassembles to store and transport in reverse logistics, lower shipping costs – simple as that
Caixa Fundo Automático e Semiautomático​

Fund Box, Automatic and Semi-automatic

Efficiency in its most practical form!

Assembles in seconds, reduces preparation time, eliminates the use of tape and allows your products to continue their journey without delay.

Department of
Research and Development

We know how the market works. That's why...

Desenvolvimento Mazurky

We turn ideas into reality, exploring the limits of cardboard’s versatility

Desenvolvimento Mazurky

We develop ecological solutions, promoting sustainability in each project

Desenvolvimento Mazurky

We bring efficiency to packaging and products, without compromising on quality or resistance

Desenvolvimento Mazurky

We work side by side with clients to understand your needs and deliver personalized solutions